Horizon Europe Larpocracy Project

Big news! We are delighted to announce that members of Uppsala University are partnering with larp practitioners and academics in a new EU-funded project in Horizon Europe, ‘Larpocracy: Developing Spaces for Deliberation and Democratic Skills through Role-playing’. UU’s Informatics and Media, Political Science, and the Transformative Play Initiative at Game Design are participating.

Larpocracy aims to promote democratic engagement and political expression through live-action role-playing (larp). The project, which runs from January 2025 to December 2027, involves university partners: Uppsala University, Tampere University, and University of Greenwich. The universities are partnering with four larp and art production companies: Europe 4 Youth, LARPifiers, Chaos League, and ZU-UK. The project is coordinated by Uppsala University primarily by Annika Waern.

The project addresses the declining engagement in traditional democracy and the limitations of social media in fostering civil discourse. Using larp as a platform, the project hopes to create inclusive and democratic social spaces, both online and offline, where young people can develop important democratic skills such as deliberation.

The project will investigate the effectiveness of larps in cultivating these skills, explore festival spaces as potential sites for future democratic skill-building, and use larp-like activities in an art-based intervention with underprivileged communities in Belem, Brazil as a case study. The goal is to provide recommendations for designers and policy-makers on how best to leverage larp as a tool for democratic engagement.

Full website and more info in the coming months.

#HorizonEurope #larpocracy #chaosleague #larpifiers #europe4youth #uppsalauniversity #tampereuniversity #universityofgreenwich #democracy #larp #roleplaying